Postings Musings

Musing on Our Grasses

B.F. Hicks

The famed Texas Naturalist Roy Bedichek writes of conservation in the 1940’s. If you read his ADVENTURES WITH A TEXAS NATURALIST you’ll find he’s right on target.

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A Tribute to Ric Elliott

B.F. Hicks

Franklin County lost a friend on August 16, 2016, with the passing of Ric Elliott (MVHS '71). He lived and worked for forty years in the Metroplex.

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On Books & Cooking

B.F. Hicks

I’ve been cooking candy (one good thing about this drought – the good atmospheric conditions for candy and bread making).

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On Gardening & Our Health

B.F. Hicks

Mariana Greene has written a column for the Dallas Morning News called “Gardening Fool” for several years and I’ve always found it delightful.

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First National Bank

B.F. Hicks

We know that the First National Bank of Mt. Vernon is organized in 1900. Kenneth Greer has done phenomenal research.

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Real People Telling Real Stories

B.F. Hicks

Recently a friend forwarded an eBay notice of an item for sale. The item was being sold from someone in connection with other items from Grayson County, Texas, a portrait of a young woman identified as Macie (sic) Devall, Mt. Vernon, Texas.

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Walls around the Square

B.F. Hicks

You know, sometimes, things are under your nose but you just don’t remember. And, I respond in my solo mutterings back to myself “but I’m not so old as to be forgetful yet.”

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B.F. Hicks

I’m always surprised at the families that have passed through Mt. Vernon and Franklin County. John Bradberry sent me an article from the September 2013 issue of the Hopkins County Genealogical Society quarterly newsletter on the Baccus Boys.

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A Review of the Cemetery Walk

B.F. Hicks

Let’s start with the Rutherford family plot. Oneta said it wasn’t her fault. Grif Rutherford just sat in the rocking chair straddling his grave.

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Excerpts from Preservation Publications

B.F. Hicks

The National Main Street Program was implemented in 1980 in an effort to revitalize downtowns across America. The program is designed to improve downtown business districts.

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